Sightsof South Moravia

With your own eyes you can see a statue from prehistory, castles both well-preserved and in ruins, and a functionalist bombshell such as Tugendhat. The world can envy us, we can be proud. Come and see for yourselves!

choose a sight

Holy Hill near Mikulov

Up to the top past the Stations of the Cross, then Mikulov in the palm of your hand. After that back down to treat yourself to something good to eat.

State Chateau Lednice

The pearl of South Moravia, one of the most visited places in the country, a UNESCO gem. And with a bunch of other tourist attractions around it.

The Town of Znojmo

You can find everything in this royal town – from an underground labyrinth and a national park to wine as delicious as heavenly nectar.

Rosa Coeli Convent in Dolní Kounice

This convent was founded in 1181 by William of Pulín – as repentance for his atrocities in wartime – for the sisters of the Premonstratensian Order.

Windmill in Kuželov

It looks like the Netherlands but it is... good old Moravia! The area of the wind mill in Kuželov will be fun.

Where to next?

By bike, on foot, by water or from a height - discover South Moravia on your own.

found 85 places
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Type of Monument


State Chateau Vranov nad Dyjí

Vranov Chateau is an exemplary secular Baroque site. That is why it is has served as a backdrop for many films and fairy-tales.


Lednice-Valtice Area

The Lednice-Valtice Area, the garden of Europe! One of the most beautiful castle surroundings in the Czech Republic, but also the largest artistically designed landscape in the world.


The Town of Mikulov

A picturesque town among vineyards, full of sights and places where you can enjoy good eating. And what amazing surroundings!


The Town of Znojmo

You can find everything in this royal town – from an underground labyrinth and a national park to wine as delicious as heavenly nectar.


Ruins of Dívčí Hrady (Děvičky) Castle in Pavlov

Medieval ruins in all respects. Some more demanding physical activity is required before a strategic view in all directions rewards you. But it is definitely worth taking the effort!


Holy Hill near Mikulov

Up to the top past the Stations of the Cross, then Mikulov in the palm of your hand. After that back down to treat yourself to something good to eat.
