Because local people cherish the traditions of their ancestors, develop them further and introduce them to their kids. Who says that modern times are at odds with the wisdom and taste of our grandparents!
Embroidered traditional dresses, painted ceramics, songs and dance, original dwellings with their interiors and other treasures – these are regional tradition and folklore, something that is still alive in South Moravia. Traditions are shared, developed and passed on to the next generations. So, where can you see them in their entirety?
For example in the Strážnice Skanzen. Here, visitors will fall in love with folklore, so much that they might feel like taking a bit of it with them – at least a painted mug. Or just a few steps from this outdoor museum there are wine cellars called Plže – the beauty of these blue cellars invites visitors for wine tasting and photo shooting. And the local people’s love for the mysterious "oskeruše" (Sorbus Domestica) tree is definitely part of this place’s allure. Hike through Bilé Karpaty on an oskeruše trail and taste oskeruše in the liquid form at your destination. You will start loving it as well.
Or perhaps you will enjoy South Moravian folklore and traditions with all your senses in the Blatnice wine village under St. Antonius, with Bílé Karpaty behind your back. On top of festivals with traditional dresses like something out of a fairy tale, excellent wines and songs, this place is also well known for its painted Easter eggs. Breathtaking colorful ornaments on a red background are the right folklore!
But these are just words. Choose from our tips and experience South Moravian folklore yourself.
An ordinary hill, you might think. But this one hides within it seven floors of wine cellars just like in a fairy tale. Welcome to the Velké Pavlovice wine region.
Visiting a wine cellar is always a pleasant experience. And when the cellar looks like a painting… actually not looking like one, it is really painted!
Probably only houses on the Greek island of Santorini are as lovely and white and blue as the Plže wine cellars.
Did you know that there is a free wine republic in South Moravia? Visit the Free Federal Republic of Kraví Hora near Bořetice and the Kraví Hora (Cow Hill) lookout tower.
A tree that sounds like it’s providing a true service. But it does really exist. It grows in the White Carpathian Mountains, and you can taste it – on the educational True Service Tree Trail!
Visit the source of winemaking here, in a village that exported its most delicious wines to Europe as early as the 13th century. Tune your taste buds!